Sunday, December 18, 2011

terrible morning

so, in the church bulletin it was stated that the kids' Christmas program practice was on Saturday and the program was Sunday.  That was it--those were all the details (well, they gave the times too).  I knew my kids would love to partake. so, Saturday morning I got them all dressed, asked them if they wanted to sing "up there"  (noah's term:  means 'on stage') at church.  Of course they were all excited and said yes.

Dave needed to go get his hair cut, so we just decided to all drive together.  He dropped us off at the church and went to the barber.  We were there probably about 10 min.  I took the kids to their class rooms.  I dropped David off first and proceeded to Noah's room.  While standing outside Noah's room, a lady comes up to me--in front of everyone--and tells me that the program is only for the kids that go to Sunday School.  I was confused for a minute because David goes to church there every Sunday.  She said, "yes, he comes to the church part, but not the Sunday school part."  Yes, she was right--i had completely forgotten about Sunday school.  She kept saying that it's only for the Sunday school kids "so..."  OK, got it--my kids can't be in it.

I was so mad right then.  the bulletin said nothing about it being for only Sunday school kids.  My mistake I guess, but I was pretty annoyed.  So I grabbed Noah and went back down the hall to David's room.  When I got there a man already had him AT THE DOOR, away from the other kids, BAWLING HIS EYES OUT.  They had told him that he couldn't be in it!  Why would they tell him that??  As soon as he came in, they shouldn't have said a word to him.  Come get me, I will break the news to him.  I wouldn't to start crying as soon as i saw him.  they made my son cry!  that was NOT their place to say ANYTHING to him, or to keep him from the other kids.  well, on 2nd thought maybe they werent keeping him from the other kids.  Maybe they were trying to comfort him--after making him cry.

I wanted to lose it.  I was trying to explain the situation to him calmly and in a way that he would understand, but there were people everywhere.  So we headed toward the door, tears still streaming down my little boy's face.  Noah wasn't upset, but he was confused about why we were leaving.  Another lady catches up with me in the hall and says, "they've been practicing for months, i'm sorry.  is that ok?"  "is that ok?"  it was such a weird question.  obviously, i just said it's fine, but really, what was i suppose to say?  'no, it's not ok. you have to let my kids be in it too.'  right.  what a stupid question.  then the first lady catches up with us again with a prize bag with play dough and bubbles in it.  thank you, that was very nice of you, but I would really just like to get my kids out of here.

I get to the landing in front of the doors finally, and call my husband.  he is getting his hair cut as we spoke.  i told him to come pick us up as soon as he was done.  I put the kids' coats back on them and started walking out the door, figuring that it would be better for them to play outside instead of watching all of the other kids playing and practicing.  As i am walking out of the door, One of the pastors saw me and asked, "are you guys leaving?"  at this point i knew that if i talked to anyone for too long I was going to start crying, and I was a bit pissy.  i said, "Yes, I'm just waiting for my husband to pick us up.  My kids haven't been coming to Sunday school, so they can't be in it."  I waited for a second for him to respond, but he seemed at a loss for words.  He literally stood there with his mouth open, and i just walked away.  I wasn't trying to be rude, and he was very nice, but really, what was there to even say?

So the kids ran around outside for a while until Dave pulled up.  As soon as we got in the truck, I just lost it.  I started bawling.  i explained what had happened.  he understood why i was so upset and tried to make feel better, and was offering me ice cream and anything else he could think of.  he was very sweet.

I'm still not entirely sure why i took it so hard.  I have been an emotional wreck for days now.  and that morning just opened the flood gates.  I found out later that day that apparently the kids are wearing costumes in the program and stuff, so that was probably the deal breaker.  i'm sure the costumes were already made.

I made a mistake about the bulletin. I guess i should've asked someone.  they made a HUGE mistake telling David that he couldn't be in it.  HUGE.  so mad about that.  but what's done is done.  the boys dont seem emotionally damaged from it, and they are happy about the bubbles and play dough that they got.

hope my emotional instability turns off soon.

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