Thursday, May 31, 2012


Noah (in the bathroom): I'm Done!!
(that's my cue)
me: you're done?
Noah (second thoughts): not yet.
me: ok
Noah: i need to hold your hand.
me: ok. (holds hand)
Noah: And you need to sit down.
Me: ooo-k....
apparently I'm in it for the long haul.

This pic is from almost 1 year ago.  

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Noah and I watered some of the flowers this morning.  I figured it would be a good activity for him since he loves helping and water.  He did a good job for the most part, but then he decided to be naughty just for giggle's sake.  Dumped gallons of water on a spider's web.  Watered rocks.  Ripped out the nearly dead leaves of the long done tulips.  OK--that's enough!  Then STOMPED on a geranium!

He got a talking to for that one which resulted in him crying "I want Daddy!  Daddy!"

oh, Noah...

more sleep talking

Wake in the middle of the night to:
Dave (thrashes in a panic): We have to tell them we're going to land!
Me: (groan.....)
Dave: we have to tell them we're going to land!
Me: we're not in an airplane. We're in bed.
Dave (sits on edge of bed with his head in his hands): I still think we should tell them.
Me: (sigh) the flight attendant will tell them.
Apparently, that answer was sufficient because he lay back down. And kept his mouth shut.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


6 ft kiddie pool and a new (we broke the last one) Slip 'n Slide--we are now ready for summer.
Let the bug skimming begin.

Friday, May 25, 2012


The boys had their first dentist appointment the other day.  They did great!  They said it was so much fun.

The oral hygienists did great with them.  They were so nice.  The spit sucker was named "Mr. Thirsty," and the boys got to control it.  The boys were mesmerized with Mr. Thirsty.  They received tons of loot to bring home too.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Spring Sing

David and Kilee

"Song in my belly" 
"Song in my nose..."



Brody is a destroyer.

  • The strap of my wedding shoe is a favorite of his to chew on.
  • He found my earring this morning--obviously my favorite ones--and chewed it till it was mangled beyond repair.
  • Any of the boy's toys left on the floor or low surface are fair game.
  • He loves digging holes; preferably to "free" freshly planted flowers from their restrictive, dirt-filled jail.

He sure is cute though.  Little stinker.

Monday, May 21, 2012

baby Noah

Noah: Will you carry me?
Me: No, you are a big boy.
(I carry him plenty, but I was carrying other things as well right then)
Noah: Don't wanna be a big boy.  Want you carry me.
Me:  Oh, you want to be a baby and sleep in a crib and drink only bottles?
Noah:  (nods head) Mmm hmmm.

In the car...
Noah:  David, I gonna sleep in a crib!!

I have failed.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

where's the food?

me: "noah, take a bite"
Noah (staring at his bowl full of vegetables and pasta): "I can't find any food"
**translation: "i ate all of the chicken--what's the rest of this crap?"**


David is at preschool today!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Three slivers in my knuckle today.  David may need to cover my eyes for me.

Monday, May 7, 2012


Noah's abc's this morning:
                                    ......  "

But this evening--said them perfectly with David and I.  Crazy cakes.

"poor me" phase

I have reached the "poor me" phase of this sickness, and I am not even the one who is sick.  I am being very self centered.  I am fully aware.  Cleaning up vomit and poop is very tiring.  listening to everything being said in whine tone is also very tiring.

However, feeling that sick and needing to be cleaned must also be very, very tiring.  I need to remember that no matter how sick i am of cleaning and being nurse, I am not actually sick.  They are.

Lord, please give me patience and empathy for these poor little boys who feel so awful.  Thank you that they are doing better.  Please continue to heal them.  Thank you that Dave and I have not gotten sick.  Thank you for enabling me to take care of them.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


so much vomit.  so much laundry.  so many paper towels.  so much hand washing that my hands are on fire.  spraying, wiping, and washing.  and CRYING.

Lord, please heal these little boys!

it continues

wake up to 2 am scream-crying.  Noah has thrown up on himself.  After he was all cleaned up he acted very normal and happy.  We were hoping it was a fluke thing...  yeah right.  We sat and watched Bubble Guppies with him to see if it was going to be an every 10 min ritual like David.  After 30 min of no more vomiting we thought that we were in the clear, and then the show ended.  He vomited anything raining in his stomach in the bowl I had set on his lap for that specific purpose.  aw, man......

I slept on the couch with his mattress right beside me.  The goal was to keep dave as far away from the flu germs as possible before hopping on a 5 hour flight and a week of important meetings in Seattle.  Thankfully, Noah did not get sick for the rest of the night, but he woke up with diarrhea this morning.  Poor thing cries every time he has to go potty because his little tush hurts so bad.  the "defend the tushy" arsenal isn't helping as much as I would like:  baby wipes and Aquaphor.

All in all, both boys are doing pretty good.  Neither one has much of an appetite, but they have eaten small amounts.  They are no longer just laying on the couches moaning, so that's an obvious improvement.  

Friday, May 4, 2012

no sleep

i didn't realize that the stomach flu could last so long.  David started throwing up at 7 am yesterday morning; it just started to slow down this morning.  And the stomach flu twice within 5 months is NOT cool.

There was a giant thunderstorm raging all night long.  David slept in our room and continued puking all night long.  Between changing sheets, clothes, rinsing the "barf bowl,"  and all of dave's outdoor activities (oh--just wait) we all got about 2 hrs of sleep.  But Noah seemed to sleep well despite the storm.

Outdoor activities....
Dave became very concerned about the amount of  rain that was coming down, so he donned a raincoat and waterproof pants and ventured into the storm.  Apparently the ditches were overflowing so he unclogged the drains that run beneath the driveways.  Our gutters were clogged as well, so obviously he should climb to the highest point of our house while lightning flashes around him to clean them out as well.  Our back yard was flooded--knee high at it highest point--dave tried to unclog that drain, but to now avail.  It has all drained away now; it just takes a while.  The basement had an inch to 2 inches of standing water in it.  There wasn't much he could do at that point, but he made a thorough investigation.  All of this was done at 2:30 am.  He still went to work this morning!  He is AMAZING.  Our house could be floating away, and I would mumble "lets take care of it in the morning" and roll back over.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Like most dogs, Brody has had some tummy trouble since switching food.  We didn't know what kind he ate, so there wasn't the slow, gradual switch that is recommended.  It has been over a week, and his belly doesn't seem to be getting better.

I asked the vet about, and they suggested a 24 hr diet of rice mixed with cottage cheese.  Brody is in heaven.  Every time he walks past the bowl that the mixture was in he gives it another lick just in case he missed some--which is impossible because he licks it clean every time.

Hopefully this clears up his issues.  Both all of our sake.  I don't want him to become dehydrated, and I want the yard to be cleanable....