Dave left a coat, hat, and snow pants (hunting pants?) in a pile next to the garage door in the other living room. The laundry room is right next to it. I witnessed it all. Brody came in the room, sniffed around, LIFTED his leg, and....
PEED all over Dave's stuff.
I couldn't believe what I had just seen. He was promptly put outside, and the clothes were thrown in the washer. I got pee on my hands. Ew.
You know, it's possible Brody was trying to help me. Maybe he was trying to teach Dave a lesson--don't leave your crap on the floor for days.
There is a third option: maybe Brody is dumb. He smelled something new and acted on instinct.
Regardless of the mutt's thought process--or lack thereof--he will be spending a significant amount of time in his crate today.