Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Noah's B-day Dinner Fiasco

Mr. terrible 2 is doing much better today after i put him to bed an HOUR early last nite. 
Last nite...    so, i'm trying to make his b-day kind of catered to noah's tastes, so i make macaroni and cheese for dinner.  And since that's is the most unhealthy meal in the world i added chichen and broccoli to it, which he has had before and just fine with.  Well, mr. T apparently has no interest in food at all, especially the meal that i had lovingly prepared in thinking of him.  over the next hour i repeat "eat your food" to Little NoNo approx 26 times (he just smiles his 'there's no way you can tell me what to do, woman' smile, and continues to ignore me and his dinner), threaten him with bed (in which he happily replies 'nap!').  I finally force feed Nahno.  Ah!  the secret!  He then happily munches and swallows every bite i put in his mouth.  Little 2 Yr. Old still wants to be treated like Little Baby.  Lovely.   But even 'the secret' is not to last.  Soon there after, his food still unfinished, NoNo throws a holy fit.  Happy Birthday.  Really the only part of dinner he enjoyed was when David and i sang happy birthday to him.  Self-centered little runt. 
  after all of that nonsense, i should have put him to bed, but it was like 6 o'clock.  Don't wanna risk him waking up fresh as a daisy at 5:30 the next morning.  so he took a bath and tried to shove plastic spoons down the drain while i was washing him (What a good NoNo).  he was considerably happier after the bath--once again, short lived.  A couple fits later, i calmly snatched up the wailing, whining monster and stuck his butt in bed.  At 7 o'clock.  Happy Birthday, Noah.  Happy Birthday. 
   But, as i said--He is doing much better today.  He even slept in some---7:30!!  it was wonderful. 

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