Thursday, April 21, 2011


In relation to eggs and brain-damage:

Leah: have you boiled them yet?

me:  oh....  no.  forgot about that part...

L:  I just boiled all of mine.

Me:  I don't divide up candy.  I 4get to boil eggs.  i am domestically challenged!  that truck knocked the       common sense out of my head!

L:  Ha Ha  domestically challenged....

Me:  Im starting to worry about my absent-mindedness and lack of logic

L:  I think it is just random.  not from the accident.  obviously, i could be wrong, but I am around you a lot and have never noticed a change.

Me:  great.  i was this retarded before.  Awesome.

L:  Yes, that is what I meant.

Me:  I know. It was perfectly clear.  You didn't stutter.  That's why i said it.

L:  Do you usually stutter while texting?

Me:  Enuf lip out of you!  (that symptom may have yet to manifest ittselfff.)

L:  That would be terrible.  especially bcuz i would laugh at you.

Me:  Always count on you for encouragment.

L:  Yup.


  1. just wanted to be able to remember this awesome conversation forever?

  2. yup. you know how i forget things.
