Thursday, October 13, 2011

oh, Noah

after countless times of being told "don't lean back in the chairs!" my boys just can't help themselves.
We tend to eat our meals at the counter sitting in bar stools. the kids just LOVE to rock back and forth in them.  There have been probably 4 or 5 falls because of their awful short term memory.  Remember last time?  Remember how bad it hurt when you fell?  Remember breaking the spindles out of mommy's chair?

Tonight, this little show made another appearance.  While my back was turned, Noah's chair fell backwards.  He has won the "Worst Fall Award."  Poor little man bit his cheek, choked on his food, and banged his chin on the edge of the counter (he tried throwing himself forward to counteract the tipping of the chair).  It was so sad.  He was such a mess.  He immediately started wailing as soon as he felt himself tipping, and he sucked his food into the back of his throat.  Thankfully, I was able to grab his food out--which I then saw was bloody.  That was kinda scary.  When he finally let me look in his mouth I saw that he had bit his cheek.  I gave him some water and, with out touching it ("don't touch it!") examined his chin.  It was not bleeding profusely, but it still looked kind of deep.  When the bleeding did not get any worse, I decided that stitches probably weren't necessary.

He calmed down, and i fed him some of the rice we were having.  I figured it wouldnt hurt his mouth like the chicken had potential to do.  After awhile he was fine and happy.  He ran (literally) around with David the rest of the evening.  No chin bleeding, no pain complaints.  They took a bath, and then---  he slipped on the wet bathroom floor, landing flat on his back and hitting his head.  Oh, this child.  Poor kid.  He had a rough night.  Luckily it didnt take too long for his smile to return after both mishaps.  

Poor No-no.

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