Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Samson tea-bagged my 3 yr old niece this morning.  Luckily she didn't seem to notice or care.  She continued to lie on her back acting as if she had no idea how to get up.  She's kinda like a turtle i've noticed...

She and Samson had an interesting pattern going.  He would case her wanting to play, and she would lay down on the floor and squeal.  She would go try to play with him, he would join in, and then, once again, she would lay on the floor and squeal.  Leah made an interesting point: maybe Sam thinks she is a big squeaky toy.  Every time he touched her she would squeal (and collapse on the floor).  I think we had to instruct her to get up every time, otherwise the flopping, squealing, flailing would continue while Sam tried to figure out something to do with her.

Yes, this is were the initial "tea-bagging" statement comes in.  Eventually, at a loss for what to do with the squealing creature, Sam turned away from her and allowed his un-neutered self to dangle precariously over her face.  Between fits of laughter I ordered the dog to go lay down, and Leah ordered Elee to "stand up!"

oh, that girl.

oh, side note...   We had just put plastic over the very old energy-inefficient windows on the 2nd floor.  Elee ran up there and ripped the plastic off of one of the windows.  Thanks, kid.