Monday, February 27, 2012


well, this is a question I never thought I would have to ponder:  Is David really ready to start kindergarten?

David is a smart kid.  his memory is amazing.  If you show him a book of animals, he will name almost every one.  BUT--a retired kindergarten teacher spoke at MOMS last Tuesday, and...  freaked. me. out.

She had quite a spiel about why it is probably best to wait a year to send kids to school if they have a late summer birthday, especially boys.  David's birthday is August 1st.  He will be 5 the entire year in kindergarten.  most kids do turn 6 when they are in kindergarten.  He will be 17 when he graduates.

But, he's just so smart!  She addressed this.  Some kids even if they are "intellectually ready" may not be socially, physically, or emotionally ready.  At this age 6 months does make a big difference.  David is very average in height, so he is on the shorter range in his class.  She mentioned that this would carry on.  While the other kids are going through growth spurts, he may not have one till later.  He may not be as skilled athletically.  He may have melt-downs more often.  The "work load" and paying attention may be more difficult for him.  She said the year may be more challenging, and would probably be easier if you just wait.

We have been tossing around the idea of Young Fives, which is basically just a  bit more challenging preschool.  And if the teachers were to say he is ready to move up, he could.

This may sound superficial, but I do not want him picked last for teams.  i don't want his feelings hurt.  I don't want him to be the youngest, because the younger kids tend to be followers.  That thought makes me kind of nauseous.  And the smaller kids tend to get picked on.

On the flip side--I don't want the work to be "so easy" that he is bored and not being challenged.  And he is sooo excited about kindergarten!  He loves school.  LOVES it.  I want to do what is absolutely best for him, but i'm just not sure what that is.  I am going to talk to his current teacher and potential teacher at Kindergarten Round Up and probably the Early Fives people.


  1. That is always a difficult decision to make no matter when your child's birthday is! From the things you say and share about David, it is more than obvious that he is very smart and mature for his age. So he would graduate when he's did his paternal grandmother (who, might I add, graduated Valedictorian!) His growth spurt will come one night when you least expect it and you'll be asking yourself "Who is this bean pole?!" lol Trust your mom instincts, don't let experts who present worst case scenarios scare you, and pray for wisdom. I know that you will make the best decision and David will turn out great! :)

    1. thanks! i think he is ready, but i feel like I will be wrecking his life if i make the wrong choice :/ ugh. I think he's ready.
