Monday, April 30, 2012


When living with young boys no day is complete without a call to Poison Control.  (Actually this is my second call ever.)  Noah has gotten very into oral hygiene lately.  Lots of teeth brushing.  Of course he wants to do all parts of it himself.
"ok, let's put the tooth paste on."
"No, I do it!"
"Ok, but remember to spit it out--do NOT swallow it."
He's actually very good at it.

Before nap I ask the boys to go potty and wash their germy little hands.  Noah was taking an especially long time with the hand washing.  I open the door, and there stands Noah the dentist brushing away while the water level in the slow draining sink rises higher and higher.
"Ok, that's enough."

A minute or two later I realize that I really have no idea how much toothpaste was used or whether or not it was spat out.  Because as every mom knows, if you don't give your child directions every time they do the same daily task, they will forget all applicable rules.

"Noah, did you spit out the toothpaste"
(quietly) "yeah...."
"Noah.  Did you spit it out or swallow it?"
"swallow it..."

The boys pediatrician was not in the office yet, so I called poison control.
"What brand of toothpaste was it?"
"Ok, Colgate does have fluoride in it."
(yes, I know.  I told you that.)
"Has he had any vomiting or tummy pain?"
"We recommend giving them milk.  Milk helps bind up the fluoride, so it can pass through easier.  If he has vomiting or diarrhea lasting more than a couple hours take him in."
"OK, thank you."

Milk?  "Call the poison control center immediately" so they can tell me to give him milk?  I call that a reward for bad behavior....  I understand that it would be different if he swallowed half of the tube instead of the 1/4 teaspoon that was probably used.  I just think they could make the instructions on the back a little clearer and maybe give a few measurements to help out.  After I gave him the milk, I should have said that the next part of the cure was vinegar.  Gotta add a little bit of punishment to this.

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