Saturday, October 22, 2011


Our dresser has been posted on Craig's List for a few weeks now.  Well, someone called and they arranged to look at it today.  While I was picking up david's replacement glasses' lenses, Dave realized "ah crap--they're gonna be here in an hour and all of our stuff is still in it and the room is a mess!"  slight panic mode. --dude, not that serious.  so, he frantically begins pulling everything out and dumping it in a HEAP on the floor of our closet.  Well, the dresser is right next to the closet door, and the dresser itself has doors.  When the door on the left side of the dresser is completely open, it partially blocks the closet door.  Herein lies the problem.....   Dave, with arms loaded, tries to slide his way past the door and into the closet.  The clothes get caught on the corner of the dresser door, and dave did not realize it--and he continues to barrel into the closet.  CRRRACK!  dave's  momentum combined with caught clothes == BROKEN FREAKING DOOR!  he over extended the door to the point of pulling the hinges partway out, and split the wood of the door.  6" -- 8"  crack at the top and bottom of the about-to-be-viewed-for-sale dresser.

I received a very perturbed phone call demanding to know where my BROWN EYEBROW PENCIL was.  seriously.  I get home, we continue to empty the dresser (heap on floor) while the air compressor fills up.  Dave successfully air-nails the door back together.  If you didn't know what you were looking for, it honestly wasnt that noticeable.  and because the dresser was a dark finish, any scratch (or giant crack) will slow the light wood underneath.  you see where this is going....  yes, this is where the eyeliner comes into the story.  Dave smeared me eyeliner into the not-so-noticeable-now-fixed crack, slightly darkening the imperfection making it even less noticeable.

I left and went to the grocery story.  while i was gone---the dresser sold.  ho-ly-crap.