Friday, January 27, 2012


Noah was about 3 steps up the stairway when David felt the need to grab him from behind.  Both came a-tumbling down.  Noah landed on his HEAD.  David hurt his FOOT.  I checked out Noah first because he had just fallen straight on his little block head (yes, i call him Little Block Head, because his head is kind of square-ish in back.).  He cried and cried and wailed and wailed.  It was a bad scene, very sad.  no blood, no bump, barely even a red mark, but I could tell it really hurt him and probably scared him.  David was also wailing.
"what did you hurt?"
"my FOOT!!!!!!  WAAHHHH!"
"ok, just a minute."

I continued to console Noah, because a head injury is always more serious than a foot injury.  or....  not. 10 minutes later, Noah was fine (but milking it); four days later, David is still limping.  I still have no idea how his foot was actually injured!  I don't know if he fell on it, twisted it, hit it, if Noah fell on it...  no idea.  all i know is that a large, puffy bruise developed on the top of his foot, and it was a bit swollen.  the bruise is gone now, the color anyway, and the swelling is almost gone.  But the limp remains.  oh!  i forgot--he tripped over some toys in the play room later that day and hurt it even more.  of course.  (the room got cleaned by me personally that evening.)

He says it is feeling better, but it still hurts a little bit.  I'm not sure how much of the limp is an actual body defense mechanism and how much is in his mind.  We'll see what happens in a few days, but for now, he continues to hobble along.

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