Wednesday, April 18, 2012


While I was writing about Sam's behavior at the park I forgot about Noah's.

The boys did great on the bike ride.  David LOVED it.  Because he does not have training wheels anymore, he is a faster rider than Noah and me as a dog walker.  He would ride till he was about 20 feet in front of us then stop and wait for us.  I think I only had to tell him to wait twice.  He probably could've ridden all afternoon.
Noah does NOT want to be "Max."

Now this bike path skirts the edge of the park then goes into the woods.  As soon as we got into the woods and everything was shaded Noah said: "It dark in there.  It almost night time."
me:  "No, honey.  It's just the shade.  It's not night time.  The trees aren't letting all of the sunlight through."
Noah: "ok."  but he didn't sound too sure.
He did very well for quite a while, but after we had been in the woods for quite some time he said, "It scary here."
me:  "why is it scary?"
Noah:  "It dark.  There monsters in there."  He pointed out into the trees.
Me:  "oh, honey, there are no monsters in here.  It's not scary."
Noah:  "yes, it is.  there monsters in there."
Me:  "there aren't any monsters, Noah.  We'll go a little bit farther, and then we will turn around ok?"
Noah:  "ok."  still unsure.
He did pretty good for a few more minutes, but you could tell that he was done with the scary forest that was full of sneaky monsters.  He was all too happy to turn around a few minutes later.

A few days later I was talking to Leah, and she said that Elee (3) had done the same thing.  They had been driving through a NEIGHBORHOOD (I think it was in the evening, so maybe it had been dark.); and she suddenly got it in her head that the neighborhood was spooky, and all of the houses were haunted.

I don't know where these kids get these ideas.  We don't let them watch scary movies or shows.  The "monsters" I could see from maybe his superhero shows or Powers Rangers, but Elee thinking the houses are haunted?  Just not sure about that one.  Maybe from cartoons about Halloween.  Silly kids.

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