Monday, November 19, 2012

sick. again.

David is getting over an ear infection.
I have a cold.

Of course he still went to work today even though he feels awful.  :/  oh, Dave.
He is scheduled to go out of town this Saturday evening for work, but is also seeing a Giants' game while he is there.  It is an open air stadium.  The doctor told him that unless he feels 100% do NOT go to the game.  So let's all pray that he is in perfect shape by then.  I have a feeling he will go regardless of how he is feeling, so pray, pray, PRAY!!!

David was in a musical/play at his school last Thursday.  The letter that was sent home said the story takes place in India.  Dress them in bright colors, shiny fabrics, and no jeans.  Add to their costumes if you want. So I dressed him in green pants a yellow shirt and sewed a tunic out of a bright orange pillow case and made a bright blue belt.  The sewing was far from professional.  I didn't even have the correct colors of thread.  But the letter said "India" and "costumes" so I was going to do my best.

Apparently, it was unnecessary.  I must put too much pressure on myself.  Sparkly tutus, Spiderman shirts, jeans, and Hello Kitty adorned the other children.  There was probably 3 kids total who you could tell "tried."  Oh well, David looked adorable.  And thankfully, He is not at the age of being embarrassed when he is "over dressed."  He was excited.

He loved doing the play, sing the songs, and dancing with the other kids.  He tries so hard to do everything well.  It was adorable.

As long as I get letters instructing me to put together costumes, believe me--there will be costumes!  Maybe not awesome ones, but I will not dress him in pajamas and try to pass it off as acceptable.

Weight loss update:
I lost 13 pounds altogether.  And then...  I gained 4 back.  Now I have lost 1 of those.  So i guess my "net" weight loss is ten pounds...  oops.

Thanksgiving dinner

  1. Turkey
  2. Stuffing
  3. potatoes
  4. Green bean casserole
  5. corn
  6. cranberry sauce
  7. pumpkin cheesecake
  8. chocolate pudding cake
Thanksgiving Lunch
  1. Chips
  2. Corn casserole
Still need to buy
  1. stuffing
  2. 1 can of green beans
  3. 2 cans of corn
  4. cranberry sauce
  5. chips
Maybe apple cider.  Do you realize how much cider cost??!  it is $6 at Kroger.  SIX DOLLARS!  And I'm sure it doesn't taste that great because it is from Kroger instead of a cider mill.  

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